Tomorrow I am 40. And I will not climb Mt. Hood as I had declared when I started this blog one year ago. I will not begin my 40th year at the summit of a mountain I love dearly.
For the past six months when I didn’t prioritize exercise, while I was consumed by the auction I organize, while I procrastinated, I knew I would not hit my goal. I knew I would not climb Mt. Hood because I wasn’t making it happen.
But turning 40 isn’t the end. Right? I’ve got plans. I’m not elderly for a while still. And the list of excuses I started the year with is gone. I don’t need comfort food. I can exercise without joining a gym. I can breathe through my nose. There is time for everyone and everything if they are important. My goal to climb Mt. Hood prompted transformation that can’t be taken back. I’m happier now, even though I’ve fallen thousands of feet short.
Looking ahead, I know there will be more fun, more challenges, and more evolution in the coming year. Maybe a new goal for my 41st birthday?
Tomorrow I will start following my new schedule that includes time for exercising and writing.
This weekend I will park myself in a small Forest Service cabin on Mt. Hood. My family and friends will come to celebrate. I will hike, spend time in the woods, and gaze upon Mt. Hood from a distance.
On June 17, Joe and I will climb Mt. St. Helens. Eight hours up and back.
And then there’s still the possibility of climbing Mt. Hood next spring if I decide to make it happen.
Happy Birthday to me!