Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Quest Resumes

The adipose tissue in my body is out of whack.  Adipose tissue is just another term for fat, which I’ve been reading about for the last few days.  A new book (there’s always a new book) has led to a new path for getting my body healthy.  I have to admit I skimmed through much of it, but generally I have the following understanding of what’s going on in my body. 

My fat cells have gone haywire. 

Some people can eat sugar and carbohydrates.  Some people can eat them and not gain weight.  Some people can eat them and not need a nap.  A cream filled maple bar sends me to bed.  It produces flu-like symptoms.  One slice of whole-grain, whole-wheat, seed covered, organic dark brown bread and I crash.  So I didn’t need to read a book to understand that carbs and me don’t get along.  But before this new book, I didn’t really understand why they are all I want to eat. 

It’s because my fat cells have taken over. 

They shout the order, “Make more insulin!”  The insulin snakes to my brain, commands, “Bagels, cereal, toast, chocolate!” 

I can certainly override these commands.  I am not a robot after all.  But the trick is that no matter how much I eat of non-carbohydrate laden food, I feel starved.  Because that is what’s happening.  The fat cells are starving without a regular flush of sugar.  And I guess that’s what I’m after.  To take control back from the adipose tissue which is clearly trying to kill me. 

I’m on day two of no carbs right in the thick of Christmas cookies and eggnog.  I am literally surrounded by sugar, but I will always be surrounded by sugar. 

So here we go…

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